Why Be Jewish?: A Testament Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Why Be Jewish?: A Testament Audiobook (Free)


Edgar M. Bronfman’s clarion contact to a generation of secular, disaffected, and unaffiliated Jews, this publication addresses the most significant question confronting Judaism worldwide. Completed in December 2013, just weeks before he passed away, WHY End up being JEWISH? expresses Edgar Bronfman’s awe, respect, and deep like for his beliefs and history. Bronfman walks visitors through the main tenets and ideas in Jewish lifestyle, fleshing out their meaning and giving proof texts in the Jewish custom gleaned over his many years of study with a number of the most significant teachers in the Jewish world. With credibility, poignancy, and interest, Bronfman shares In WHY Become JEWISH? insights gleaned from his own private journey and makes a compelling case for the meaning and transcendence of the secular Judaism that’s still steeped in deep moral beliefs, authentic Jewish text messages, and a concentrate on deed over creed or dogma.