The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Evolution, Resurrecting Species, and Reengineering Our World Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Evolution, Resurrecting Species, and Reengineering Our World Audiobook (Free)


Imagining another in which humans fundamentally reshape the natural world using nanotechnology, synthetic biology, de-extinction, and climate executive.

Just about everyone has heard that we now have no longer any areas left on Earth untouched by humans. The significance of the goes beyond statistics documenting melting glaciers and shrinking species counts. It indicators a fresh geological epoch. In The Man made Age group, Christopher Preston argues that what is most startling about this coming epoch is not only about The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Progression, Resurrecting Species, and Reengineering THE WORLD how much impact humans experienced but, more important, how much deliberate shaping they will start to do. Emerging technologies promise to give us the power to dominate a few of Nature’s most elementary operations. It isn’t that we are exiting the Holocene and entering the Anthropocene; it is that we are abandoning the time where planetary change is merely the unintended result of unbridled industrialism. A global designed by designers and professionals means the delivery of the planet’s first Synthetic Age.

Preston describes a variety of technologies which will reconfigure Earth’s very metabolism: nanotechnologies that may restructure natural forms of matter; “molecular developing” that provides unlimited repurposing; artificial biology’s potential to construct, not just go through, a genome; “biological mini-machines” that can outdesign advancement; the relocation and resurrection of species; and climate anatomist attempts to manage solar radiation by synthesizing a volcanic haze, cool surface temps by raising the lighting of clouds, and remove carbon from your atmosphere with artificial trees that catch carbon through the breeze.

What does it mean when humans shift from being caretakers of the planet earth to getting shapers from it? And in whom should we trust to decide the contours of our synthetic future? These queries are too important to be left towards the engineers.