The Puppet Masters Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Puppet Masters Audiobook (Free)


First came the news headlines that a soaring saucer had landed in Iowa. Then came the announcement that the whole lot was a hoax. End of story. Case closed.

Except that two agents of the most secret cleverness agency in the US government were on the scene and disappeared without reporting in, as did four other agents who have been sent in. As a result, the head from the company and his two top agents proceeded to go in, and they managed to get out using their discovery: the planet earth has been invaded by slug-like aliens who about The Puppet Experts can completely control the mind of any human they touch. What the humans know, they know. What the aliens want, no real matter what, the human will do. & most of Iowa has already been under their control.

Sam Cavanaugh was among the agents who discovered the truth. Sadly, that was just before he was taken over by one of the aliens and began doing work for the invaders, without will of his very own. And he offers just learned that a high formal in the Treasury Section is now in order from the aliens. Because the Treasury Section includes the trick Assistance, which safeguards the leader of america, control of the complete nation is usually near at hand. Can-do intelligence official Cavanaugh may be the only man who can end the invaders.