The 48 Laws of Power Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The 48 Laws of Power Audiobook (Free)


Cunning, instructive, and amoral, this controversial bestseller distills 3,000 years of the annals of power into 48 well-explicated laws. Law 1: Never Outshine the Expert. Regulation 3: Conceal Your Motives. Law 7: Obtain Others to Do the Work for you personally, but Always Consider the Credit. Legislation 15: Crush Your Foe Totally. Laws 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew. They are the laws and regulations of power in their unvarnished essence-the philosophies of Machiavelli (The Prince), Sun-tzu (The Artwork of Battle), Carl von Clausewitz, Talleyrand, the great seducer Casanova, con guy Yellow Kid Weil, and additional famous thinkers and schemers. They train prudence, stealth, mastery of your respective emotions, the art of deception, and the total lack of mercy. Like it or not, all have useful applications in true to life. Each rules is illustrated with types of observance or transgression drawn from history and offering such famous numbers as Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kissinger, Mao, Alfred Hitchcock, P.T. Barnum, Haile Selassie, Catherine the fantastic, and Socrates. Convincing, useful, sometimes surprising, this book will fascinate anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against best control.