Swim the Fly Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Swim the Fly Audiobook (Free)


Matt Gratton and his two best friends, Sean and House, always place themselves a summer-time goal. This year’s? To see a real-live nude girl for the first time. As far as Matt is concerned, they’d have better luck finding the lost town of Atlantis. But viewing a girl in the buff begins to appear like child’s enjoy set alongside the additional summertime goal Matt models for himself: to swim the 100-lawn butterfly (the hardest stroke recognized to God or man) to be able to win over Kelly Western world, the hot new girl. Just what exactly if he can’t manage an individual lap, let alone four? He’s got the complete summer to master his technique. What may go wrong? “Raunchy (but mildly therefore) hilarity ensues.” – People Journal “Serves up jokes and gross-outs in the style of filmmakers like Judd Apatow . . Children will probably like it. This one do.” – The New York Times Book Review “Hilariously raucous moments stuff its web pages.” – Los Angeles Times