Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World Audiobook (Free)


Screenwise offers a realistic and optimistic perspective on how best to thoughtfully guide kids in the digital age. Many parents believe that their kids are addicted, detached, or sidetracked for their digital devices. Media expert Devorah Heitner, nevertheless, thinks that technology provides huge potential to our children-if parents help them. Using the building blocks of their own values and experiences, parents and educators can find out about the digital globe to help arranged kids up for life of about Screenwise: Supporting Kids Thrive (and Survive) within their Digital World success in a world fueled by technology.

Screenwise is a guide to understanding more about what it is want for kids to grow up with technology, also to recognizing the special challenges-and advantages-that modern kids and teens experience thanks to this level of connection. In it, Heitner presents useful parenting ‘hacks’: quick suggestions you could implement today that may help you understand and relate to your digital indigenous. The reserve will empower parents to recognize that the knowledge they have gained throughout their lives is certainly another and urgently required supplement with their kid’s digital savvy, and help them develop skills for managing the brand new problems of parenting. Based on real-life stories from various other parents and Heitner’s wealth of knowledge on the subject, Screenwise teaches parents what they have to know in order to raise responsible digital citizens.