Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith Through a Volcanic Future Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith Through a Volcanic Future Audiobook (Free)


What Lays Ahead for Christians around the World?

If you follow the functions of bestselling authors Malcolm Gladwell, Faith Popcorn, Daniel Red, and other craze forecasters, you’ll value learning about over 25 rings of fire that lie ahead for Christians all over the world.

Len Sweet once more maps the near future for the church within this sweeping survey of the twenty-first century. In the face of eruptive and disruptive culture changes from economics and communications to bioethics and beyond, how do we combat fire with fire, not only getting up to your lifestyle but leading our others who live nearby toward your feet of Christ? No one has done more to startle the cathedral from its slumber than Len Nice, and no one has equipped the church as effectively. This is a standard book from a seminal head of the present day evangelical movement.

Mark Chironna provides incisive queries to stimulate creative thinking for specific or group research and an afterword that ties Len’s expansive interact and pieces us on the right course for many years to come.