Revolting!: How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They're Afraid Of Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Revolting!: How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They’re Afraid Of Audiobook (Free)


A short, sharp intervention in the key debate about the continuing future of democracy, which includes been taken to a head by events from Brexit to the Trump trend.

We reside in strange days in the annals of democracy.

Every serious politician in the Western world supports democracy. Yet when the European union Referendum and American Elections both shipped the ‘incorrect’ result, elites challenged the merit of the people’s will, and some also tried to block it. Preferring unelected organizations, from technocrats towards the courts, self-appointed higher thoughts questioned whether voters are fit to be trusted with their own futures. Ours may be the age group of “I support democracy, but…”

And yet the answer won’t end up being to impose restrictions. Popular democracy must offer better choices, instead of removing choice altogether. It is time to defend democracy and fight for even more it, without ifs, buts or backtracks.