Movies (And Other Things) Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Movies (And Other Things) Audiobook (Free)



Shea Serrano is back, and his new reserve, Movies (And Other Things), combines the fury of the John Wick shootout, the sly brilliance of Regina George keeping court in a cafeteria desk, and the sheer power of the Denzel monologue, all into 1.

Movies (And Other Things) is a book about, quite frankly, movies (and other things).

One of the chapters, for example, answers which race Kevin Costner could white savior the best, because did you know about Films (And Other Things) he white saviors Mexicans in McFarland, USA, and white saviors Native Americans in Dances with Wolves, and white saviors Dark people in Dark or White colored, and white saviors the Cleveland Browns in Draft Time?

Another of the chapters, for another example, answers what other high school film characters will be in Regina George’s circle of close friends if we opened up the Mean Ladies universe to add other movies (Johnny Lawrence is briefly in, Claire in the Breakfast Club is within, Ferris Bueller has gone out, Isis from TAKE IT On has gone out…). Another from the chapters, for any third example, produces a special version from the Academy Awards designed for rom-coms, probably the most underrated movie genre of most. And another from the chapters, for your final example, is actually a triple chapter that serves as an NBA-style draft of the very best and most memorable occasions in gangster films.

Many, a lot of things happen in Films (And OTHER ACTIVITIES), some of which funny, others which are unfortunate, a few of that are insightful, and which are dealt with with the type of treatment and commitment to the tiniest details and pouches of pop tradition that only a reserve by Shea Serrano can offer.