Kanye West Owes Me $300: And Other True Stories From A White Rapper Who Almost Made It Big Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Kanye West Owes Me $300: And Other True Stories From A White Rapper Who Almost Made It Big Audiobook (Free)


“Kanye Western world Owes Me $300 might be the funniest rap memoir ever.” -LA Regular

After Vanilla Snow, but before Eminem, there was ‘Hot Karl,’ the Jewish kid from your L.A. suburbs who became a rap fighting legend-and then almost became a star.

When 12-yr outdated Jensen Karp got his first flavor of rapping for crowds at his friend’s pub mitzvah in 1991, small did he understand that he was taking his first rung on the ladder on the crazy journey-one that would end having a failed million-dollar documenting and about Kanye Western world Owes Me $300: And Additional True Stories From A White colored Rapper Who Almost Made It Big publishing deal with Interscope Records when he was just 19. Today, in Kanye Western Owes Me $300, Karp finally tells the true tale of his outrageous trip as ‘Hot Karl,’ the most well-known white rapper you’ve hardly ever heard of.

On his way to (almost) celebrity, Jensen shares his years as a child run-ins with rock-listening, southern California classmates, who simply tell him that ‘rap is perfect for dark people,’ and recounts his record-breaking rap fighting streak on well-known radio contest “The Roll Call”-a run that caught the eye of a music industry starving for fresh rap voices in the early ‘00s. He also introduces his rap partner, Rickye, who constitutes the next half of their group XTra Large; his supportive mother, who works with him onstage; as well as the soon-to-be-household-name performers he information with, including Kanye West, Redman, Fabolous, Mya, and can.we.am. Finally, he reveals why his record never noticed the light of time (two phrases: Slim Shady), the unpredictable manner he suffered after, and what he found rather than rap glory.

Filled with rollicking stories from his close brush with fame, Karp’s hilarious memoir may be the best fish-out-of-water story in regards to a man who comes after an improbable passion-trying to crack the rap game-despite what everybody else says. It’s 30 Rock for the rap established; 8 Mile for the suburbs; and quite the trip for the white kid from the valley.