Good & Filthy Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Good & Filthy Audiobook (Free)


She’s such perverted wishes, such raw unforgivable requirements. Her days certainly are a lay of goodness, a fake screen to appease those who would judge her, who deny her the yearnings she desires inflicted on her body. Her nights are lost to her dreams, to an environment of natural leather, of bound ladies begging, of goddesses gifted with the opportunity to offer up their submission the way she really wants to. The sex she needs has always been so unfair, therefore unattainable. But now she’s discovered a man to change everything. And here in his chamber, her pack of cash tucked in his pocket, it’s period for her to taste everything, to dangle helplessly in her harness as he teaches her what she’s been lacking, as her eyes open wide and the world at last sees her for what she really is…Good & Filthy.