Ego Free Leadership: Ending the Unconscious Habits that Hijack Your Business Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Ego Free Leadership: Ending the Unconscious Habits that Hijack Your Business Audiobook (Free)


“I’ve got a solution,” Encore’s CFO tells Brandon, “but it’s unorthodox.” It’s 2005, and Brandon Dark has simply been advertised to CEO of Encore Capital, an organization battling to navigate an extremely difficult business environment. Faced with a rapidly declining stock cost and low place of work morale, Brandon knows he requirements change-and fast. Pursuing his CFO’s tips, he and his executive team begin working with Learning as Leadership (LaL) and its chief executive, Shayne Hughes. Through their about Ego Free Leadership: Closing the Unconscious Habits that Hijack Your Business partnership, Encore’s executive group learns to root out the unproductive ego habits that undermine cooperation and performance.

Because they instill these more effective behaviors throughout the business, Encore begins to solve complications collectively, prioritize resources without infighting, and focus on the initiatives with the greatest strategic worth. When the financial crisis of 2008-09 makes 90 percent of its competitors out of business, Encore thrives, using its earnings raising by 300 percent and its stock price by 1,200 percent. Told from two lively first-person perspectives, Ego Free Leadership brings listeners along for Encore’s incredible success tale. They’ll visit a CEO get over his unconscious resistance to modeling the switch he desires in his group and find out a time-tested road map for removing the destructive effects of the ego in teams and organizations.