Dreamer Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Dreamer Audiobook (Free)


During the Fifth Crusade, the bloody siege of Damietta grinds to a stalemate and a Christian soldier starts having visions… Raphael of Acre, a young initiate from the Shield-Brethren, becomes a war hero throughout a vicious fight for control of female stronghold. One of is own companions, Eptor, is normally wounded in the fight and falls under the influence of strange hallucinations. When a excellent plots to control Eptor’s visions into war propaganda, Raphael problems between responsibility to the reason and duty to his faith. Unable to reconcile his tasks as Christian and soldier, Raphael looks for out an unlikely way to obtain counsel – the fantastic pacifist Francis of Assisi. Area of the Foreworld Saga, Dreamer confronts the paradox of using sword and fist in order to spread a note of humility and compassion.