Dawn of Chaos: Age of Madness - A Kurtherian Gambit Series Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Dawn of Chaos: Age of Madness – A Kurtherian Gambit Series Audiobook (Free)


When Caitlin finally gets the chance to join her brother on a objective outside of the walls of the town she has been trapped inside most of her existence, her entire the truth is shaken. Foes appear in the strangest of places. The zombie-like “Mad” roam the forests. Vampires and werewolves from your fairy stories of her years as a child become actuality as Caitlin is forced to find the reality of the Age of Madness and commence the combat for justice. Can Caitlin business lead the charge on independence and begin the revolution which will change her world? Set within the sweetness of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe, discover the chaos and insanity of age Madness-a time when the world fired up its head and nothing is as it appears…