Crochet and Cauldrons Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Crochet and Cauldrons Audiobook (Free)


My Grandmother, Agnes Bartlett, used to own Cardinal Woolsey’s knitting shop after that died and left her shop to me, without informing me personally that she wasn’t actually useless. She’s a vampire and area of the world’s strangest art circle-the Vampire Knitting Golf club.

As you may imagine, this means she’s free to interfere in the way i run the business that used to be hers. She’s trying to instruct me to knit and it’s not going well. She’s also trying to instruct me how exactly to be a witch, since it turns out I’m from a about Crochet and Cauldrons long line of witches. Another tiny detail about my children that nobody ever explained, combined with the long-lost witch cousins Not long ago i uncovered. But I’m learning. I’ve got my children spell publication, my black cat familiar, some forces that sometimes scare me, and a fascinating new group of friends.

My archaeologist parents are arriving at visit and bringing me something special I could do without. So, to recap, I operate a knitting shop and I cannot knit. I’m a beginning witch who can’t often control her kitty, never mind her magic, and my love life is as tangled as the final sock I attempted to knit. Oh, and for reasons uknown, I keep getting involved in murder investigations. Positive thing I’ve my vampire knitters to help sniff out signs. At least I’ve finally employed the perfect assistant, a genuine demon using the crochet hook. Or is normally she too perfect?