Colorado Bride Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Colorado Bride Audiobook (Free)


Emily Loring survived the previous few years being a governess to a rich family’s children. However when the lord of the house can’t maintain his hands to himself, she’s left with no option but to risk everything as a mail-order bride-to-be. Raised in a New York orphanage, she’s usually dreamed of a husband and kids of her very own, but actually that small wish always sensed out of reach. The town is normally all she’s ever known, however the guarantee of a family group, a place to call home, drives her to risk everything and mind for the about Colorado Bride-to-be wilds of the Colorado Place, and the arms of a stranger.

Ben Logan fell in love once, to a city girl who left him on the altar to perform off with another man. A mail-order bride-to-be appears to be the answer to his dependence on a wife to warm his bed, as long as she loves the country lifestyle as he will. He doesn’t want very much, but he won’t risk his heart again. When Emily will come, her curves tempt him almost as much as her smile. But his ex-fiancée is back, and determined to have Ben for herself, also if it means murder…