Children of Ruin Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Children of Ruin Audiobook (Free)


It has been waiting through the age range.

Now you have .

Thousands of years back, Earth’s terraforming system took to the stars. On the globe they called Nod, scientists uncovered alien lifestyle – but it was their objective to overwrite it with the memory of Earth. After that humanity’s great empire fell, as well as the program’s decisions were lost to time.

Aeons later, humanity and its new spider allies detected fragmentary radio signals between the celebrities. They dispatched an exploration vessel, searching for cousins from older Earth.

But those ancient terraformers woke something on Nod better still left undisturbed.

And it’s really been looking forward to them.

Children of Mess up follows the author’s Children of Time, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke award. It is set in the same world, with a new cast of character types.